
we write the story معنى

  • وي رايت ذا ستوري
  • we    pron. نحن
  • write    v. ألف, دون, لحن, ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • story    n. قصة, القصة الإخ ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. we tv معنى
  2. we were soldiers معنى
  3. we were the mulvaneys معنى
  4. we will bury you معنى
  5. we will rock you معنى
  6. we'll come at 9 o'clock معنى
  7. we'll have to extract your tooth معنى
  8. we'll inform you when your baggage is delivered معنى
  9. we're having a sale معنى
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